Angoltanárok Nemzetközi Egyesülete IATEFL-Hungary Budapest, Ajtósi Dürer sor 19-21., H-1146, Hungary |
November 16th, 2006
Dear Teachers of English based in Slovakia,
IATEFL-Hungary (Angoltanárok Nemzetközi Egyesülete) is an association for teachers of English based in nursery, primary, secondary and tertiary (including higher) education, private schools and for fellow professionals involved in materials production and publication, testing, pre- and in-service teacher training, inspection, advisory services and other field all related to the teaching of English.
We decided to enlarge our operation to the areas outside the borders of the Republic of Hungary where students with Hungarian as their first language would learn English or where teachers of English of Hungarian origin operate.
We have got the support of some private language schools based in Hungary that would be ready to cover the institutional membership fee for groups of 3 or 6 teachers providing they formulate a more or less ‘official’ professional community. These communities could be departments of teachers of English at schools (iskolai szakmai munkaközösség) or panels of teachers of English at a local level (városi / járási / megyei / területi szakmai munkaközösség), clubs or smaller local associations of teachers of English. The teachers involved do not necessarily be native Hungarians, but should have something to do with the English language education of speakers of Hungarian in the minority situation.
As soon as there is a clear evidence of action taken, that is you have set up your ‘official’ community, you have a list of members (names, addresses, e-mail addresses, phone and fax numbers) and have the minimum 3 professional events such as workshops, discussions on professional topics, events related to English speaking cultures, competitions for learners of English, etc. send the documents to me and I’ll find a partner for you to support you by financing your institutional membership scheme.
From that moment – as soon as you become institutional members of IATEFL-Hungary – you’ll receive 3 issues of our newsletter (‘mELTing Pot’), each member of your community can join a Special Interest Group: Young Learners SIG, Information and Communication Technology SIG, Culture and Literature SIG and thus take part in their respective activities and receive the SIG publications. You can also attend the annual conferences at members’ reduced rate. Thus, you’ll be members of a wider professional community.
What we’d like your smaller professional community to do is to join SAUA / SATE (Slovenská asociácia učiteľov angličtiny / Slovak Association of Teachers of English: and act as a bridge between TEFLers in Hungary and Slovakia and take part in joint projects.
I hope, once I can see you as members of our association. I am looking forward to your questions and suggestions. Do not hesitate to contact me.
Yours faithfully,
Dr. Poór Zoltán
Fax: +36-88-429204
Mobile: +36-30-9721509