Dear Colleague.
ECTARC; the European Centre for Training and Regional Cooperation in North Wales, would like to offer teachers of English in your country an opportunity to take part in our Socrates Comenius/Grundtvig refresher courses:
'Effective English Language Teaching in Europe',
Language, Education and Culture for Teachers of English as a Foreign Language, 13th - 20th October and 10th - 17th November 2008.
A course for teachers in secondary or adult education, which aims to improve participants' language skills and teaching techniques while introducing the language and culture of North Wales.
'Graded Communicative English for English Teachers',
6th -13th October or 3rd - 10th November 2008.
A course for English language teachers in primary, secondary and adult education which aims to enhance participants' spoken language skills, prepare participants for a Trinity College Spoken examination and provide a full insight into how to prepare their own students for the Trinity exam, as well as introducing the language and culture of North Wales.
All courses offer teachers the chance to meet like-minded professionals from across Europe, to share ideas and best practice, and to take back to the classroom the new ideas and skills learned. Two full day trips are included on the course, to the nearby city of Chester and to Snowdonia National Park.
Both these courses are listed on the European Union on-line Socrates Comenius/Grundtvig database and English teachers can apply to the EU Socrates programme for all the costs of participation (up to €1500).
You will find attached a course outline for each course. We would like to ask you to help us to promote our courses by displaying the poster on a noticeboard or forwarding this message within your organisation. Thank you.
The deadline for applications to Socrates is the 31st May 2008.
If interested please contact me at the address below for further information.
We look forward to hearing from you.
With kind regards from Wales.
Vanessa Baldry.
Vanessa Baldry
ELT Project Co-ordinator
Parade Street
LL20 8RB
Tel: 00 44 (0) 1978 861514
Fax: 00 44 (0) 1978 861804
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